Whether you are planning a conference, meeting, or training event, finding the right speaker is essential. The success of your event will ultimately come down to the quality of the presenters and how well they connect with your audience.
Katharine is not just a public speaker, but she is an experienced event organizer as well. She knows both sides of the event coin. When Katharine is booked to speak, she takes very seriously the responsibility for providing a dynamic, relevant, and thought-provoking presentation, one tailor-made for your audience that will support your entire event.

Katharine brings energy and passion when speaking to an audience. Her many years of experience working as an interpreter, trainer, professional association leader and consultant in community, healthcare and legal settings has given her both a deep and broad perspective on the who, what, where, and how interpreters work in real life. She speaks to the challenges they face, the deep commitment with which they serve their clients, and the significant skill needed to lift this side of interpreting into the limelight it so deserves.
Katharine’s collaboration with Barry on all things technological have given her a unique platform as to how the individual practitioner is colliding with meta-shifts in culture, communication and work. She is enthusiastic and warm when speaking, whether in a large venue or small. Katharine works closely to craft her presentation to your specific needs.

Katharine frequently speaks and trains on a wide variety of topics related to the language services enterprise, particularly interpreting. These are the most frequently requested topics she addresses, and she is happy to cover new topics if they fall within her expertise.
Technology and Language Services: Many agree that we are currently going through a once-in-a-millennium transformation in communication, culture, and work. Technology (particularly communications and social media) is influencing every aspect of our lives, especially language services. Katharine can address current trends, future implications, and the nuts and bolts of how to adapt to this shifting landscape, whether addressing individual interpreters, language service companies, or large organizations and end users of language services.
Interpreter Education and Training: Ours is a growth profession. Demand is high and the need for producing qualified and well-trained professional interpreters has never been more acute. Katharine can present on trends, strategies, resources, and successful approaches to achieve your training and education goals.
Interpreting as an Essential Communication Service: Interpreting is an indispensable service for 21st-century communication and business. Even so, educating the general public and end users about what we do is still a daunting challenge. Katharine can provide concrete resources, statistics and information about our profession to help people connect the dots between their communication needs and professional interpreting services to help them achieve their objectives in today’s multilingual society.
Legislation, Unionization and Accreditation: Interpreting is a young field professionalizing quickly. An increasing array of local, state and national laws, regulations and requirements govern our field. Interpreters are unionizing in many areas, and successfully creating and implementing certification and accreditation processes. So whether you need information on national medical interpreter certification, new laws affecting Workers Compensation, language access issues in legal and healthcare settings, or how conference interpreting structures its international wage and work condition agreements, she can help.

Webinars are an excellent communication tool for your association, business or brand. Katharine can help you with your webinar presentation or training from start to finish or act as guest webinar speakers on any of the above topics or an interpreting-related topic of your choice.

Katharine frequently provides keynote talks and presentation at language service industry events. Whether you are a small professional association, a language service company or putting on an industry-wide conference, she can tailor a custom-made dynamic and entertaining talk for your audience.