Celebrating 10 Years of Raising the Profile of Interpreting
InterpretAmerica 2020
Video of the Event
Please note: We are working to get Closed Captioning subtitles up as soon as we can.
We don't really have adequate words to express our gratitude for everyone who made InterpretAmerica 2020 possible - KUDO, the speakers, our colleagues behind the scenes, all who attended, the interpreters who worked the event. We put the event together in 7 days and it would not have been possible without everyone's generous time and support.
As promised, we are posting the video for all who missed the event. Below please see also the copies of the PowerPoint slides shared by some of our speakers.
Feel free to share the link to anyone interested.
Speaker slides
A Unified Response to Ensure Access to Interpreting Services during the Pandemic
The transition to remote: A live update
We want this to be just the beginning. So come back and visit this page often.
We will be posting the polling data soon, as well as additional resources and information that will support our profession's need to move to remote interpreting during this time.