Webinars, Contests, Conferences and More

Published September 22, 2016
Fall 2016 is here and InterpretAmerica has a lot going on. This blog post highlights our upcoming webinars, conferences and events, including a contest you can enter to win a free spot at next week's GALA Webinar. All of our offerings serve our fundamental mission to help raise the profile of interpreting, both inside and outside our field. We hope you can take advantage of at least some of them. Read on to see our current activities and don't miss any upcoming deadline!
WIN A FREE SPOT! GALA LIVE WEBINAR: Searching for the New Normal—Finding Opportunity in an Unstable Interpreting Market: Thursday, September 29, 2016 - 8:00am PST / 10am CT / 11am EDT / 5:00pm CEST: We've talked about coming disruption in the interpreting market for years. Well, now it's here and one way or another we have to move forward in a time of instability. We will explore current market realities for interpreting service providers and practitioners, as well as strategies for finding opportunities and taking advantage of them. Click here to enter a contest win a FREE spot or simply Register Here.
think! Interpreting Call for Proposals extended

InterpretAmerica has been collaborating with the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) since 2014 to help raise the profile of interpreting inside the broader language services industry. This year we are excited to bring you the fourth installment of think! Interpreting, which will take place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 26-29, 2017. The 2017 conference theme is: The New Basics: Success and Sustainability in Today's Language Industry. The deadline has been extended to September October 7, 2016. We need your interpreting-related submissions! Contact us at inquiry@interpretamerica.com.
Attend InterpretAmerica's FREE Sessions at ProZ.com 2016

Attend InterpretAmerica's FREE presentations at the ProZ.com 2016 virtual conference for International Translation Day Did you know that Proz.com organizes what is arguably the largest virutal conference in our field, where 10,000 people typically register,1500 of which are interpreters? The event is FREE to attend and includes presentations from well-known translation and interpreting figures. This year's 2016 International Translation Day conference is taking place September 28-30th and they are working hard to highilght interpreting. Barry Oslen will present The Evolution of Remote Interpreting Platforms. Katharine Allen will present What Agencies Look for When Hiring and Retaining Interpreter Talent. The conference is worth 10 ATA CEUs and issues a certificate of training. Come join us from the comfort of your computer screen!
InterpretAmerica and MasterWord Services Collaborate for #ILSC2016

International Language Services Conference©: We are proud to announce a new collaboration with MasterWord Services® in support for their annual ILSC regional conference in Houston, Texas. This year's conference takes place on October 14. The ILSC brings together key stakeholders to network and collaborate on important regional language access issues. InterpretAmerica Co-President Katharine Allen will be leading a workgroup-style session titled Interpreting: Impacting the Big Picture with Individual Action. If you are interested in helping shape language access and interpreting in Texas, come join us at #ILSC2016!
ATA Advanced Skills and Training Day Sessions by InterpretAmerica - Sign Up Now!

ATA Advanced Skills and Training Day: The ATA has reworked it's training day that runs just before the conference starts. This year both Barry and Katharine will be offering hands-on highly interactive training on hard-to-master skills. Katharine will be teaching Improve Your Consecutive Note-taking for Dialog Interpreting. This class is tried and true - you will walk out with better skills and a clear path to continued improvement. Barry is teaching Rethinking Your Simultaneous Delivery. The deadline for early bird registration is Friday! So sign up now. We can't wait to see you in class!